Thursday, July 21, 2011

High Blood Pressure Causes and Natural Home Remedies

Blood pressure is the pressure that the blood on the walls of arteries when the heart pumps blood through the arteries exercised. A certain amount of pressure or force is necessary in the bloodstream at the top of most organs of the body from head to toe. But when this pressure exceeds the normal, this is called hypertension or high blood pressure (hypertension). Top BO is a "silent killer" because, for some people, symptoms at all the ruins and quiet area of ​​the body.

Normal Blood Pressure should be around 120/80 BP and BP was between 120/80 and 139/89 on the status of the pre-high blood pressure and 140/90 BP said blood pressure. Number is greater than the systolic pressure. The systolic pressure is an indication of the maximum pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts and pumps blood and pushed into the arteries. In other words, it marks the maximum amount that BP may be exposed to the arteries.

Amount less than the diastolic pressure. This reflects the pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes after contraction. This is due to the pressure between heart beats. diastolic pressure is an indication of the minimum pressure that can be exposed to the arteries. High blood pressure severe complications such as heart failure, heart attack, the weakening of the aortic wall or aortic aneurysms, hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis, stroke, kidney failure, eye damage, etc. Some of symptoms of hypertension can cause headaches, neck pain, are dizziness, palpitations, chest pain and shortness of breath, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting. The cause of high BP can be enumerated as follows:
  1. Aging 
  2. Offspring 
  3. Stress 
  4. Salt intake 
  5. Smoke 
  6. Excessive alcohol consumption 
  7. Obesity 
  8. Physical inactivity 
  9. Fatty, fried foods and fatty 
  10. Hormonal changes in women 
  11. Medicines such as cough syrup cons, cons drug allergies, birth control pills, diet pills, stimulants, etc.
  1. Take a glass of lemon juice or lemon tea every day to keep in the salad or lemon BP under control. Lemon effective in preventing capillary fragility. 
  2. Eat 2-3 cloves of garlic every day. checks Garlic slow pulse and heart rate and the spasm of small arteries. Therefore, it is very effective in lowering high BP. 
  3. Add 1 ounce of honey 2 teaspoons of onion juice and take daily. This reduces blood pressure. 
  4. Combine carrot juice and spinach 600 ml to juice mixture. Food, reduce the symptoms of high BP. 
  5. Pumpkin seeds roasted and ground into powder. Take 1 teaspoon of powder and a half every day. It is an effective home remedy for high BP. 
  6. Boil 2 potatoes, peeled skin, and cut into slices. Dip the slices with a pinch of black pepper and consumption. This is a delicious solution to the problem of high BP. 
  7. Add 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in warm water and drink. It gives fast relief of pressure. 
  8. Take 1 tablespoon of juice of Indian gooseberry mixed with honey in the morning. This function is useful in the treatment of high BP problem. 
  9. Boil 20 g of parsley in 250 ml of water. Strain and drink to relieve the pressure. 
  10. The consumption of brown rice to a reduction in symptoms of high BP 
  11. Eating papaya on empty stomach regularly. Do not eat anything else until two hours after eating papaya. This benefit is high drug against hypertension. 
  12. Drink 8-10 glasses of ionized water to lower blood pressure.

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